UA: PBC is not only UA: PERSHYI. We explain it in terms of facts and figures

UA: PBC is not only UA: PERSHYI. We explain it in terms of facts and figures

2 Листопада 2021

UA: PBC is not only UA: PERSHYI. We explain it in terms of facts and figures

2 Листопада 2021
UA: PBC is not only UA: PERSHYI. We explain it in terms of facts and figures
UA: PBC is not only UA: PERSHYI. We explain it in terms of facts and figures
Why the rating of only UA: PERSHYI is not an adequate assessment of the effectiveness of UA: PBC. Because its total audience is 13 million. The answers to the questions will clarify what UA: PBC is like in the fifth year of reform.

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There has been a lot of distorted information or outright fakes around UA: PBC lately. Someone attribute these information attacks to the approaching adoption of the State Budget, which funds Public Broadcasting Company. Someone considers it to be an attack on independence and attempts by the authorities to take control of UA: PBC. It is difficult to contain in one text everything that has been done over four years of reform. But here are the most important figures that may dispel the manipulations around the reform they are trying to downplay.

UA: PBC is not one channel. What is UA: PBC?

UA: PBC is a large corporation: two nation-wide channels (UA: PERSHYI and UA: KULTURA), three channels of UA: Ukrainian Radio (UR-1, UA: Radio Promin and UA: Radio Kultura), 23 regional branches in the regions and UA: KRYM, a quite powerful digital platform, orchestra, ensembles, choir and the Recording House. You can see and read about these assets on a corporate website UA: PBC has the largest coverage among all Ukrainian broadcasters.

Thanks to the Revolution of Dignity, the Law of Ukraine “On Public Service Television and Radio Broadcasting” was finally adopted, and a few years later, in January 2017, the joint stock company “Public Broadcasting Company” (JSC “UA: PBC”) was established on the basis of the state TV and radio channels. The company inherited mostly unrepaired premises, undocumented land and buildings, obsolete equipment and far too large staff (a total of 7,500 employees). The total area of ​​buildings and structures in the authorized capital of JSC “UA: PBC” is 208,065 sq. m; under economic management there are 7,824 sq. m. The total area of land plots is 34.6 hectares. The total number of full-time positions as of October 2021 is 4,148. More than three thousand employees were laid off in spring 2018, and another three hundred in 2020. It was a painful process of transformation.

Why don't you get rid of extra assets? Why spend money on the maintenance of old premises that you do not use?

According to the law, UA: PBC is an object of nation-wide importance. Alienation, transfer (except for short-term lease), privatization of real estate, unfinished construction objects, land plots on which they are located, as well as shares owned by the state in the authorized capital of UA: PBC, are prohibited by the law. To get rid of "extra" property, you need to go through a chain that starts from initiating amendments to the law to their adoption, and then approval by all institutions, including the company's shareholder, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, and the founder, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It is worth mentioning here that these government bodies cannot interfere with the company's editorial policy: this is not part of their clearly defined powers of which there are quite a few.

How is the Company different from hundreds of commercial broadcasters in Ukraine and several state broadcasters (Rada, UATV and Dom)?

UA: PBC is the largest independent media corporation in the country. UA: PBC does not depend on oligarchs or politicians, does not serve the interests of business structures and authorities. UA: PBC belongs to people and cares primarily for their interests. Neither commercial channel will broadcast a concert of classical music because it will be watched by a very small audience. This is unprofitable for commercial channels. And UA: PBC will broadcast because it must promote the interests of even the smallest groups of the population. The purpose of a commercial broadcaster is to bring profit to the owner and work for his interests, a state broadcaster is aimed at working in the interests of the authorities because they determines de facto "state interest" through control over state institutions. The purpose of UA: PBC is to work for people guiding by transparent rules of editorial policy, under the control of the Supervisory Board whose members are elected by public organizations and parliamentary factions.

If UA: PBC had been created in 1997, when the first law was drafted, and it had been given freedom of action and appropriate budget support back then, the market situation would have been different now. UA: PBC would have been stronger, would have had a larger audience. But UA: PBC was created in 2017. Several powerful commercial media groups owned by oligarchs have been created during these twenty years. Of course, the presence of an independent unbiased media outlet is not favourable for them. Leaders of commercial channels now often devalue the reform claiming that their channels perform public broadcaster functions, and ask the authorities not to give money to UA: PBC.

President Volodymyr Zelensky called UA: PERSHYI a "state" channel. It is so?

UA: PBC is a public service broadcaster. Ukrainian law does not provide for a "public service" form of ownership. Therefore, the law stipulates that 100% of JSC “UA: PBC” shares belong to the state, and they, as well as the property, cannot be sold. But state bodies do not manage UA: PBC. The company's management is now elected by an independent Supervisory Board every four years. Public authorities do not determine editorial policy nor do they have the right to interfere with the  current economic activities.

UA: PBC is financed from the State Budget so is it still a state channel?

We repeat, UA: PBC is not one TV channel. Thus, according to the law, UA: PBC’s funding should not be less than 0.2% of the general fund of the State Budget for the previous year. The draft State Budget for 2022 after the first reading provides for 76% of this figure. In 2021, UA: PBC was  allocated UAH 2,2 billion from the State Budget. UAH 1,874,158 were allocated from the general fund for UA: PBC, and UAH 400 million were planned in a special fund which is filled with taxes from the lottery business. It is still unknown whether the company will receive these 400 million till the end of the year. So far, we have received a bit more than 60 million.

It is still impossible to finance such a large company in any other way. Yes, it is financed from the State Budget, but this does not mean that it is essentially state (or pro-government). First of all, it has a different mission. Adherence to the mission is guaranteed by the Supervisory Board, which is appointed and acts in a manner independent of government decisions, and it resolves key strategic matters of the company – from the election of executive management to the approval of annual plans and acceptance of audit results.

Although the Public Broadcasting Company has a formula written in the relevant law, according to which its annual funding should be calculated (0.2% of the general fund of the State Budget for the previous year), in practice this norm has never been fulfilled. But nobody is responsible for this because a "permission" to violate this rule was written down in the Budget Code. To solve this problem, Ukrainian experts and experts of the Council of Europe proposed a new model of UA: PBC financing: to write in the Budget Code the formula of UA: PBC funding through a special fund of the State Budget that will be filled by rent for the use of radio frequency resource paid by broadcasters and cellular operators and which does not have a target recipient. Despite the promises of the new government, the movement towards a new funding model is frozen.

How much money is spent on UA: PERSHYI?

Almost UAH 450 million are spent on television (UA: PERSHYI, UA: KULTURA, UA: KRYM and UA: KYIV). Of these, 25 million were spent to this year's Olympics, 50 million to purchase serial content (with short rights).

As you can see, the statement that UAH 2 billion is spent on UA: PERSHYI is wrong. The rest of the money is used to support regional branches, as well as radio broadcasting, digital platforms, security services, administrative and general production costs. Each branch receives from 14.6 million (Ivano-Frankivsk) to 32.6 million (UA: DONBAS), a total of UAH 600 million.

And another interesting aspect. Oligarchs probably give all the money planned for the year to their TV channels at the beginning of the year in January, but this is not the case with state funding. UA: PBC did not receive two billion in January 2021. To be more precise, in January it received UAH 119.5 million, in February - UAH 119.5 million , in March – UAH 118.4 million , in April – UAH 108.3 million, in May – UAH 102.2 million, in June – UAH 105 million, in July – UAH 99.8 million, in August – UAH 108 million, in September – UAH 114.7 million, in October - UAH 130.7 million. As of October, UAH 61.7 million came from the special fund. That is the fund with the UAH 400 million that are for the development expenditures. UAH 3.3 million of that money were spent to equipment; UAH 41.2 million were used to acquire football rights; UAH 17.2 million are the balance on the account (football reserve).

The company now operates within one year. And every year on December 31, all the money available on the accounts is taken to the State Budget, and not transferred to the next year. We do not have the conditions for longstanding production of films and series. And normal television does not exist without it. Who knows better than a large number of TV and film producers in power?

Other channels can do more for UAH 2 billion.

UA: PERSHYI can also do much more if it is given UAH 2 billion!

Authorities, especially those who have had experience working for oligarchic channels in the past, have repeatedly argued that commercial channels have a higher rating for much less money. Less money? Really? And what do you think, for example, this news: "Akhmetov has invested $ 560 million in his Media Group." USD 560 million is more than UAH 15 billion! Of course, one can  produce/purchase expensive content and raise ratings with this amount.

How much commercial money does UA: PBC have for 2021 and where is it spent?

UAH 73.9 million is planned, of which UAH 44.6 million come from advertising, 26.7 million are from rent. UAH 56.2 million (101% of the plan) has already been received in three quarters. According to the law, advertising volumes must decrease every year; this norm was lobbied by the  commercial broadcasters who said that if UA: PBC received money from the State Budget, then it should not make claim to advertising money.

How much do the rights to the Olympic Games and football cost?                                                                                                 

The cost of the license to show the Olympic Games (2022 Winter Olympics and 2024 Summer Olympics) is three million dollars. USD 1 847 74 need to be paid for the 2022 Winter Olympics this year (until November 15, 2021). For the 2024 Summer Olympics we need to pay off  in 2022 and 2023. About half a million dollars is needed additionally for technical services for each Olympic Games.

Moreover, according to a long-standing agreement that was signed by the State Television Company, UA: PBC must pay for the rights to broadcast the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. This is a large amount (commercial secret) + technical services. So far, the cost of the rights has been paid partially. As a reminder, according to the agreement, Rinat Akhmetov's Media Holding "Ukraine" has the right to buy out half of the rights for broadcasting, but only after UA: PBC has paid its share.

Switching to pay grading system. Is it true that the management receives salaries from three to six million?

No, not true. The transition to pay grading system that defines the amount of pay for employees began in 2021. So far, there are 2,832 positions for whom the salaries were increased in UA: PBC, including 1,421 positions in the Central Directorate and 1,411 in the branches. Another 250 positions have not received an increase yet. The rest of the positions were within the offered range. The salaries of the management will be the last to be graded till the end of this year.

Most of manipulations in the media concerned the salaries of the management. In particular, some claimed that the Head of the Managing Board received six million UAH per year. In fact, according to the Agreeement (before the switch to pay grading system) the Head of the Managing Board has a monthly salary of UAH 118 000, while the members of the Managing Board get UAH 98 000. Both the Head and the members of the Managing Board will receive UAH 180 000 as of November, 1. Besides, the pay grading system provides for the possibility of quarterly bonuses (except for the Head and the members of the Managing Board). The Supervisory Board may give an annual bonus (up to six salaries) to the Head and the members of the Managing Board, but only after assessing their work for the year. Have you ever wondered how much the management of large commercial media outlets with fewer employees is paid? These sums are substantially higher than the ones UA: PBC management has.

Members of the Supervisory Board don't get paid at all. In accordance with the law, we work free of charge.

Why doesn't the company pay financial aid?

It does. In particular, we paid UAH  1 766 314 in 2021, and by the end of the year this figure will have increased. The money is paid for the birth of children, in connection with the death of family members or for medical treatment.

It it true that UA: PBC inherited 400 years of unused vacations?

It is true. And that was a great challenge in the course of transition to the pay grading system. People were persuaded to take vacations so that the index would decrease. As of the end of October, there were two employees with 400+ days of unused vacation and three employees who have from 300 to 399 days.

Where is the new UA: PBC content?

New content is available on TV channels, radio, and UA: PBC digital platform. In 2021, 134 new projects were launched: 22 on television, 15 on radio, 73 on the air of the regional branches and newsrooms for national minorities; 15 on the digital platform. Several other important premieres will take place in the near future.

In August, to the thirtieth anniversary of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, a grand premiere of the documentary series The Collapse. How Ukrainians Destroyed the Evil Empire was held. Also, Prozoro: Pro Aktualne (Transparent: About the Current News), Prozoro: Pro Holovne (Transparent: About the Main News), Poliusy (Poles), social talk show Po-liudsky (Humane way) were launched on UA: PERSHYI.

Suspilne Podcasts, YouTube channel Suspilne Kraina (Supilne Country) and YouTube channel for  children Brobaks where the youngest viewers can watch cartoons that are produced by UA: PBC.

Suspilne Sport is one year old. It was of great help to UA: PERSHYI in the course of the Summer Olympic Games. 

60 projects have been produced within the Create with Suspilne programme and they are broadcast on regional branches. UA: PBC is gaining more and more experience with pitching. If the law is amended to allow co-productions without obstacles, UA: PBC will be ready to hold pitching sessions for big productions. And it will be done in a transparent manner.

In addition, UA: PBC has signed and executed 175 partnership and cooperation agreements (information partnership). 104 of them were in UA: PBC regional branches; 71 were at UA: PBC Central Directorate (an average of 7 agreements per month). In particular, UA: PBC broadcast the second forum of the Ukrainian World Congress, the summit of the Crimean Platform, the Independence Day parade, the International Mayors Summit, dozens of festivals and forums, etc.

Where are the ratings?

The ratings of the state-owned UT-1 and then of the First National Channel in the last decade and a half were not high, since the channel could not compete with the expensive content of commercial TV groups. UA: PBC TV channel UA: PERSHYI also inherited the audience dominated by older people. Young audiences have moved to digital, and linear television is doomed to lose its audience.

After almost all the old projects disappeared on UA: PERSHYI and the new ones could not be developed because of underfunding in the first years of existence, the channel's rating dropped. Now it is the only TV channel in the Corporation that is officially measured on a daily basis in the Nielsen commercial panel (although it is not aimed at making profit). After combining the regional branches into one technical channel, it is possible to get monthly ratings for the branches. And if you add the radio and digital platforms, the total audience of UA: PBC (excluding social networks) is thirteen million people. Therefore, the rating of just UA: PERSHYI is not an adequate assessment of the effectiveness of the Company. Although, against all odds the Supervisory Board tasks the Managing Board to increase the ratings of UA: PERSHYI and UA: KULTURA for the second year in a row. And these ratings are gradually increasing.

Is UA: Ukrainian Radio public service broadcasting?

Obviously, critics of UA: PBC know that UA: Ukrainian Radio, the most popular talk radio in the country, is also part of UA: PBC.

When UA: Ukrainian Radio was state-owned it couldn't get FM frequencies, and wired radio was declining at a rapid pace. If up to five million listeners had a wired broadcasting in the early 2000s, there was a million in 2015, and 300 000 in 2017. After joining with UA: PBC, our radio staff  reformed the content and achieved leadership in the news radio segment. And later they got nation-wide FM-networks for three radio channels. Many thanks to the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine for this. At present there are more than three million listeners of UA: Ukrainian Radio on FM, 200 000 listeners on the Internet. Also, public service stations are available in the digital radio air but so far only in Kyiv, where there are thirty thousand digital receivers, of which twenty thousand are built into new cars.

In addition, according to the data of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, UA: Ukrainian Radio is the leader in the amount of Ukrainian-language content.

Investigative journalism on UA: PBC constantly “lash out at the authorities”.

The same was said both about Poroshenko and Zelensky. This is not true. Firstly, they do not lash out, and secondly, the investigation is not only about authorities. The teams of, Schemes (Radio Svoboda (Radio Libberty)), Our Money with Denis Bihus programmes as well as UA: PBC Journalism Investigations CU make programmes and investigative films about corruption of the state and local authorities, representatives of the opposition, doctors, notaries, etc. UA: PBC  produced eight such films in two years.

Why don't you talk about your accomplishments?

We do, but not everyone wants to hear about them. Until March 2020, the Company was not allowed to spend the budget money for promotional campaigns at all.

This year, UA: PBC started creating a hyperlocal correspondent network in Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions. Suspilne Studio in five locations was launched. A number of programmes and news are now broadcast from it. A grand, combined convergent Newshouse on 26, Khreshchatyk is to be launched in November.

Last year, UA: PBC paid debts that dated back to the days of the State Television (in particular, the oldest: a 24-year old debt on the credit granted by Japan, a 10-year old debt to Euronews for UAH 360 million), and this year it paid more than 10 million debts for the past year.

This year, UA: PBC received a positive, without objections audit conclusion on the financial statements for 2020. The company has introduced an electronic document management and 11 automated modules BAS ERP (personnel and timekeeping; indexing of payroll; military accounting, payroll, etc.). In order to transform from a state to a public service company, the new team had to gradually change all the obsolete procedures, and to do this it developed and adopted more than a hundred new documents and policies. A number of staff functions were outsourced: cleaning services, transportation, security, makeup, sign language interpretation in the regions, etc.

UA: PBC had a number of problems in its early years. It was under-budgeted, and the reform was devalued by the politicians who impacted its reputation instead of supporting. We do not fit into their system of coordinates, so they exercise pressure and criticize unfairly. The first Head of the Managing Board of UA: PBC, Zurab Alasaniia, brought together all the former regional state-owned broadcasters and production companies, built the vertical, eliminated the “telephone justice” and made the company independent. At present, Mykola Chernotytskyi is beginning to synchronize UA: PBC reforms with the decentralization reform and develop the Company.

One of the principles of UA: PBC activity, stated in the law, is the priority of public service interests over commercial and political ones. We have to defend it almost every day. The Company was able to prove its independence to the previous authorities; unfortunately, the current government cannot realize it yet.

Коли «Детектор медіа» тільки розпочинав роботу, найпопулярніші українські медіа ще дослухалися до темників. Але завдяки спільній боротьбі журналістів та суспільства це змінилося. Найпоказовіше: Україна пройшла шлях від державного телебачення до Суспільного.

Тепер наша команда прагне розширювати аудиторію та впливовість Суспільного мовлення заради ідей та ідеалів, які воно продовжує ілюструвати.

Запрошуємо приєднатися до нас у цьому завданні, ставши частиною Спільноти «Детектора медіа».
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Ostap, stop lying! First, why are you writing something here, and not the head of the board. This is a conflict of interest. Secondly, you do not have regional TV companies in the regions. You destroyed them. From subjects you have made objects that obey the center and are not independent. Branches are not TV companies. There are no TV companies by region. There is a news bureau and stories for programs in Kiev. This is not a regional broadcast. Therefore, for such a volume of broadcasting, money from the budget is given more than. As for the ratings, the audience - you don't have them. Your so-called experts are lying because they do not count the views on the web, but the starting page views on the web, which wind up automatically. According to Nielsen, ratings for ALL talk shows that are on other TV channels. The first is Ukraine 24. You have nothing in seven years of reform. You destroyed the programs, a huge number of specialists who grew up already in Ukraine, and not your lies about the Soviet Union, you kicked out into the street. Neither you nor your charges are capable of producing anything by yourself. Get away from the trough, stop stealing and lying. And stop building your whole family there. The police and criminal cases have been crying for you for a long time for squandering the taxpayers' budget.
16:19 / 03.11.2021
COMMENTS Ostap was moved in by Putin15: 46 / 03.11.2021She is already lying according to Putin's method - brazenly, cynically, defiantly, looking into his eyes. "One of the principles of NSTU's activity, enshrined in the law, is the priority of public interests over commercial and political ones. We must defend it almost every day." What kind of public interests do you defend? Whose interests do you defend for 200 thousand UAH per month - a doctor who risks his life for 10 thousand UAH, an academician and a doctor of sciences who receives 8 thousand, a teacher at school who receives 8-9 thousand, a military man in a trench, which tomorrow will be torn apart by a mine at the age of 20 and all that is left of it is a news tape that will live for twenty minutes, and he risks his life for 10 thousand? Who are your staff? Provincial Frey without a case of successful projects, who was pushed from the leading provincial channel to top managers? Alcoholics clinical brothers Georgian, without experience in top management positions, which pushed Alasania? Mykola Chornotytsky with correspondence technical education is just impudence! He graduated from Oxford or Cambridge, he started businesses, he launched Savik Schuster show-level media projects, what are his cases? Answer Oleksandr Liev, the former Minister of Tourism of Crimea, who supported the Crimean occupation authorities, he is a separatist! Why did he work for Suspulne in the Alasania team, why was he given access to the state budget, why did he lie to the staff that there would be a salary increase so that people would not be fired? Why did you come to Olivets with searches in the case of Liev, and you, Detector, did not write about it, nor did you write about your manager, who stole grant money from the then Telekritika, and you covered it up. And your people work unofficially, disrespectful Telekritika, you don't pay taxes for them and dismiss them illegally, without even giving a word to say in your defense. You are a lying grantee editor. Shame on you. ZINA15: 02 / 03.11.2021 "After almost all the old projects on" UA: Pershom "disappeared and new ones could not be produced ..." - and how does your tongue come back? What, "Folk Music" itself disappeared? What, "Declassified history" just evaporated itself? The best long-term programs, which in the archive and after your closure for many years have been and continue to be aired on NSTU channels !! Everything is purposefully led to the bankruptcy of the FIRST in order to sell for a penny. In Zinchenko's place, I would be offended and refuse. arithmometer for Conflict of interest13: 23 / 03.11.2021And not just eye-catching. There is a preview index on the main page next to each article. Only next to this there are no numbers. Although, viewing this article and commentators are breaking all records. And you say that there is no conflict of interest! IS! IS!! . Ostapa from the detector !!! Conflict of interests10: 53 / 03.11.2021He is both in the CD, and in branches where close relatives of heads - husbands, wives, brothers and sisters, parents work. There are never any remarks to these people, they are paid high bonuses, a kind of "family social". Therefore, it will not make sense. Where do the audit and law enforcement agencies look? And HP? You don't care either? All comments on this page should be translated into English and sent to donors who allocate huge funds to the public. Maybe then they will change their minds. Such a public has no future. And such articles "in the language of numbers and facts" - a simple astonishment. Fgdrdsw01: 03 / 03.11.2021 I would apply by presenting a development program if I had the opportunity. But there is no competition, there are not even vacancies at,ua, that is, there is no opportunity for a professional to enter a management position. All positions are appointed behind the scenes, on mezhdusoboychikah, and appoint only friends of friends. And they have already gone mad to such an extent that they invent personal departments for themselves and threaten new managers with the words "here comes the head - you will cry", this is a quote. I see this level of communication in a video about Russian prisons. Intimidation and cattle-speaking, as well as the search for prisoners who will beat their own and will be the "hands" of the administration, and the administration will be clean. Finally, I give a free prediction, as in Silpo: all positions will be held and receive all the awards from a dozen people - friends of Chornotytsky's boyfriend Dmitry Khorkin, Maria Frey, Fedor Skrypnyk, friends and accomplices of the Georgian brothers running on other channels and all sorts of Lodygin and all sorts of Lodygin .fgdrdsw00: 40 / 03.11.2021This article uses such a method of lies as half-truths. When only part of the facts is told and part is silenced. This is the most cynical and vile way to lie. Shameful phenomena such as propaganda and unfair advertising are built on it. If Ostapa uses it, then she is unfit for work and is a bad person. Shame. As a former employee of the Public, I can confirm that, in fact, there were never any orders regarding infokilling, mochilov, and indeed the fact-checking of one piece of news could take me two hours. But at the same time, I can confirm the number of unprofessional managers who do not know journalistic standards, the lack of business ethics, when managers shout at employees and threaten them, when they use their professional status to take revenge on those who do not like. And gossip is a simple black plague of the Kyiv office. Managers use the stupid law on bonuses, which can be up to 100% of the monthly salary, as a tool for manipulation and pressure on subordinates. There is no fair reward. With a bonus fund and excellent work, which was confirmed by internal monitoring and evaluations of many colleagues, I did not have an award once in 2017 and 2018. Instead, they were with colleagues who made gross journalistic mistakes - and even received reprimands! - but later they were promoted because they ran after the leaders in the smoking room, licked their asses and plotted, while I went to advanced training courses, where I even received personal thanks from the then Minister of Economy - for a high level of knowledge and talent. But at work I received only pressure for "awkward questions" and financial pressure, which manifested itself in the minimum wage and lack of bonuses. My requests to disclose information about the awards were answered by a well-known person. Type is a trade secret. This is completely illegal, because the division of the state budget cannot be a trade secret. FROM when you spend your money - yes, it should be a secret. But not budget. As a result, people who do not know the basics of the profession, do not know how to turn on the computer and do not even know ten words in English have taken leading positions in the Kyiv office - but they lick, gossip and intrigue. Young and promising professionals, as well as mature talents, looking at all this, resigned en masse in 2018. According to my data, there is such a scheme in the Kyiv office - the head writes bonuses to fattened people, they withdraw cash, keep part of it "for services", and give the rest to the manager. That's why real working people don't see bonuses. There are also several leaders with an unbalanced mental state who put pressure on people, shout and threaten. I urge everyone to record this on a dictaphone and gather evidence of bullying in the workplace. And also to ask law enforcement agencies about the organization of criminal schemes and what to tell a lot.19: 08 / 31.10.2021Presentation of Neushous 2.0 on Khreshchatyk 26 seen? Have you seen any ambassadors there? The European community swallowed champagne there ??? The air was promised in October ??? So go to Khreshchatyk 26 and try to find what was pompously shown on the air! There is no such studio. This is all the current Public.
16:04 / 03.11.2021
09: 02,31 October 20215521Print versionPublic - it's not just "UA: First". We explain in the language of facts and figures why the rating only "UA: First" is not an adequate assessment of the effectiveness of the Public. Because its total audience is 13 million. The answers to the questions that will clarify what is Public in the fifth year of reform. Read in English here. There has been a lot of distorted information or outright fakes around the Public lately. Some attribute the information attacks to the approaching adoption of the state budget, which is funded by the National Public Television and Radio Company. Some see this as an attack on independence and attempts by the authorities to take control of the Public. It is difficult to contain in one text everything that has been done over four years of reform. But here are the key figures that may dispel the manipulation surrounding the reform they are trying to downplay. Public is not one channel. What is Public? Public is a large corporation: two national channels ("UA: First" and "UA: Culture"), three channels of "Ukrainian Radio" (UR-1, "Ray" and "Culture"), 23 regional branches in the regions and " UA: Crimea ”is already quite a powerful digital platform, orchestra, ensembles, choir and Recording House. You can see and read about these assets on the corporate website Public has the largest coverage among all Ukrainian broadcasters. Thanks to the Revolution of Dignity, the Law on Public Affairs was finally adopted, and a few years later, in January 2017, the Joint-Stock Company National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine (JSC NSTU) was established on the basis of state TV and radio channels. The company inherited mostly unrepaired premises, undeveloped land and buildings, obsolete equipment and bloated staff (a total of 7,500 employees). The total area of ​​buildings and structures in the authorized capital of JSC "NSTU" - 208,065 m2; under economic management - 7,824 m2. The total area of ​​land plots is 34.6 hectares. The total number of full-time positions as of October 2021 is 4,148. In the spring of 2018, more than 3,000 employees were laid off, and another 300 in 2020. It was a painful process of transformation. Why don't you get rid of extra assets? Why spend money on the maintenance of old premises that you do not use? According to the law, NSTU is an object of national importance. Expropriation, transfer (except for short-term lease), privatization of real estate, unfinished construction objects, land plots on which they are located, as well as shares owned by the state in the authorized capital of NSTU, are prohibited by law. To get rid of "extra" property, you need to go through a chain of initiating changes to the law and their adoption, and then approval of all instances, including the company's shareholder - Derzhkomteleradio and the founder - the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It is worth mentioning here that these government agencies cannot interfere in the company's editorial policy: this is not part of their clearly defined powers, of which there are quite a few. How is the company different from hundreds of commercial broadcasters in Ukraine and several state broadcasters (Rada, UATV and Dom)? Public is the largest independent media corporation in the country. NSTU does not depend on oligarchs or politicians, does not serve the interests of business structures and authorities. The public belongs to society and cares primarily for its interests. No commercial channel will show a concert of classical music, because it will be watched by a very small audience. This is unprofitable for commercial channels. And the Public will show, because it must ensure the interests of even small groups of the population. The purpose of a commercial broadcaster is to bring profit to the owner and work for his interests, the state - to work in the interests of power, because it determines the de facto "state interest" through control over state institutions. The purpose of the Public is to work for the society, guided by transparent rules of editorial policy, under the control of the Supervisory Board, whose members are elected by public organizations and parliamentary factions. If the public had been created in 1997, when the first law was drafted, and given freedom of action and appropriate budget support back then, the market situation would be different now. The public would be stronger, would have a larger audience. But NSTU was created in 2017. In twenty years, several powerful have been created
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